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British TV Sitcoms

1What were the names of The Good’s neighbours in "The Good Life"?
2Who played Gary’s flatmate in the first series of "Men Behaving Badly"?
3What animal did Reggie Perrin think of every time his Mother-in-law was mentioned?
4Brian Wilde played Mr Barraclough in Porridge. But he was also one of the main characters in a later sitcom. Name the sitcom, and the character.
5What was the theme tune to The Office?
6Which sitcom actor and comedian fell off a treadmill in Peter Kay’s version of Amarillo for Comic Relief?
7Who was Nellie Boswell’s love rival in "Bread"?
8In which sitcom did Nicolas Lindhurst first gain national recognition?
9What was the name of the character played by Stephen Fry in Blackadder Goes Forth?
10What were the first names of all 3 Liverbirds?
quiz kindly submitted by Emily on 17th January 2016