Can you help out quiz-zone by completing a short Family Fortunes-style survey?
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1In which Arnold Schwarzenegger movie does he fight an invisible alien creature?
2In which 2004 animated Pixar movie does Violet have powers of invisibility?
3According to the title of the 1977 movie, who owned a dragon that could become invisible?
4In which James Bond film does he drive an invisible car?
5Which race had a cloaking device in Star Trek?
6Alec Baldwin played which invisible superhero in a 1994 movie?
7Superhero Susan Storm had powers of invisibility. Of which group was she a member?
8The 1975 TV series The Invisible Man starred which actor, who also appeared in Colditz in the same year?
9In which 2000 science fiction film did Kevin Bacon become invisible?
10Rodney Skinner was an invisible thief in which 2003 superhero movie?
quiz kindly submitted by Fraenulum on 7th April 2010