Can you help out quiz-zone by completing a short Family Fortunes-style survey?
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1This word has seven letters, it came before god, is greater than god, more evil than the devil, poor people have it, rich people want it, if you eat it you would die. What is it?
2What can you catch but you can't throw?
3What has a mouth but can't chew?
4What is light as a feather but even the worlds strongest man couldn't hold it for more than a few inutes?
5What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?
6What can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up?
7What begins with T, ends with T and contains T?
8What is so frasgile that even saying its name would break it?
9What cannot be used unless it is broken?
10A cowboy came into town on friday stayed 3 days and left on friday. How is this possible?
quiz kindly submitted by Nell on 12th November 2011