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Valentines Day

Can you answer the following questions on Valentines Day?

1In which 1993 film does a boy called Jonah write to a woman called Annie, asking her to meet his father at the Empire State building on St. Valentine's Day?
2Who had a top ten hit in 1988 with "Valentine"?
3"Ti Amo" means "I Love You" in which language?
4In which American city did the St. Valentine's Day massacre take place, where seven rival gangsters of Al Capone were killed?
5Which Elvis Presley film has the word "love" in the title and is the only one in which his character dies?
6Who discovered penicillin on Valentine's Day in 1929?
7What was the name of the car in the film "The Love Bug"?
8In which century did the English start celebrating Valentine's Day?
9Which brothers' last film was called "Love Happy"?
10Which film starring Bill Murray includes the line "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I"?
Tie BreakIn which year did Charles, Duke of Orleans, send the first known Valentine's card?