Can you tell whether the following statements are true or false?
1 | In space it is impossible to cry? True (there is no gravity, so tears cannot flow) |
2 | "Copyrightable" is the longest word in the English language that can be written without repeating a letter? False (it's "uncopyrightable") |
3 | Slug's don't have any noses? False (they have four) |
4 | Most Eskimoes have fridges? True (to keep their food from freezing) |
5 | An Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain? True |
6 | Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb, was afraid of the dark? True |
7 | There are no anagrams of the word "stationed"? False ("antidotes") |
8 | Taphephobia is the fear of losing your teeth? False (it's the fear of being buried alive) |
9 | Over 80,000 photographs are taken around the world every second? False (approximately 2,700 are) |
10 | The letter "t" is the second most common letter used in the English language? False (it's "a") |