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General Knowledge

Can you answer the following questions on General Knowledge?

1What is the brightest planet in the our sky and can sometimes be seen with the naked eye?
2In which country is the original Waterloo, the site of a famous victory in Battle for Wellington?
3What was David Bowie's first number one single of the 1980s?
4Which of Henry VIII's wives was the only one to outlive him?
5Later made into a successful British film, what was the title of Kazuo Ishiguro's book which won the Booker prize in 1989?
6What is the name given to the stroke which is not allowed in table tennis, but which must be played every shot in badminton?
7What term is given to the study of earthquakes?
8What 1996 film featured performances which were awarded the best actor and best actress Oscars in 1997?
9Who succeeded Anthony Eden as Prime Minister of Britain in 1957?
10Which band had a number one hit album in 1995 called "Different Class"?