Bells & Whistles

1What is the well-known nickname for the Great Bell of the Great Clock of Westminster?
2In what decade did the BBCs The Old Grey Whistle Test music show begin?
3Which part of the human body is affected by Bell’s Palsy?
4Who played the part of Kathy Bostock in the 1961 Brian Forbes movie Whistle Down the Wind?
5What is the scientific name for the bell pepper?
6The song ‘Whistle While You Work’ appears in which classic Disney movie?
7In which American city will you find the symbol of independence, the Liberty Bell?
8By what other name is the painting Whistler’s Mother known?
9In the TV show Belle and Sebastian what was the name of the dog?
10The term whistle and flute is Cockney slang for what?
quiz kindly submitted by Paul Mason on 14th November 2022