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The Human Body

Can you answer the following questions on the human body?

1Where in the body would you find the hallux?
2What are the main four blood groups?
3The average person grows how many inches of hair each year? 6, 10 or 15?
4More commonly known as the thigh bone, what is the medical name for the longest bone in the human body?
5In degrees centigrade, what is the normal body temperature?
6What word is used to describe someone who is neither left or right handed, but can use both hands with equal ease?
7The condition of seasonal allergic rhinitis is better known by what name?
8By what name is the trachea more commonly known?
9What are the names given to the pits in the skin from which hairs grow out of?
10Where in the body would you find the cochlea and the stirrup?
Tie BreakHow many bones are there in a normal human hand?