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Can you answer the following general knowledge questions and then find the connection between the answers?

1What was Alfred Hitchcock's first colour movie?
2Which 1973 hit single includes the lyrics "and the man in the back said everyone attack"?
3What colour is the cross on the flag of Switzerland?
4In which children's TV show could you have seen the character of Windy Miller?
5In which 1996 film does Eddie Murphy play characters including Sherman Klump and Buddy Love?
6Yperite, first used by the German army in September 1917, is better known as what type of gas?
7What was the name of the character played by Vivien Leigh in "Gone With The Wind"?
8In 2000, who bared all at the Gielgud Theatre replacing Kathleen Turner in the role of Mrs Robinson in the play "The Graduate"?
9At what San Francisco venue did the Beatles perform their last public concert?
10What is the connection?