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Can you answer the following questions on cars?

1As at the start of 2003, what is the make and model of the bestselling car of all time?
2What does RAC stand for?
3The prancing horse is the symbol of which racing car?
4Who designed the first modern petrol-driven internal combustion engine for the car?
5What make of car featured in the film "Back To The Future"?
6In which country was the first Audi made?
7Behind U.S.A. which country has the second longest road network in the world?
8According to the Highway Code, passengers of what age and above are responsible for themselves wearing a seatbelt?
9What was the name of the Volkswagen Beetle which made it's first appearance in "The Love Bug"?
10Which historical make of car was nicknamed the Tin Lizzie?
Tie BreakIn which year did Czechoslovakia become the first country to make seat belts compulsory?