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Word Play

Can you answer the following questions on words?

1What word can go after "open" and before "seed" to give two new phrases?
2What is the only anagram of the word "stationed"?
3Which word is the longest that can be typed using only the top row of letters on a typewriter?
4What do the words "canopy", "deft", "laughing", "stupid" and "hijack" have in common?
5What is the only word in the English language, that when capitalised looks the same from the front, back, above and below?
6Which four letter word can go after "Po" or before "Ular" to produce two new words?
7Which word is the longest that can be typed using only the right half of a typewriter?
8Which three letter, one syllable word becomes a three syllable word when you add the letter "a" on the end?
9Which word can come before "station" and after "room" to give two new phrases?
10What is the only word in the English language that has three consecutive sets of double letters?